Resources for National Indigenous History Month

Resources for National Indigenous History Month

June 11th, 2024 | Created by Chloe Thomas and Cynthia Lung

National Indigenous History Month is a period of time to focus and reflect on the history of Indigenous Peoples of Canada. Under the post-colonial context, reflection on the legacy of colonization is an important time for all Canadian citizens and residents to acknowledge and recognize the history that we all currently live, work, and study from. This month is a special time to acknowledge not only the beauty of Indigenous culture and traditions, but also the history of Canada and its relations with Indigenous Peoples. From the legacy of Residential Schools to the incorporation of land acknowledgements and why they’re important, acknowledging the truth of Indigenous People’s history in Canada is the first step in reconciliation. 

During this month, we ask ourselves questions such as;

How do I engage in Reconciliation and what is it?”, 

“Why are the experiences of Indigenous Peoples only recently acknowledged?”, 

“What work still needs to be done and why?”, 

“Why are Indigenous perspectives important?” –

 but as well, 

How do I learn more about Indigenous culture?”, 

“What is the importance of ceremony to Indigenous Peoples?”,

 and “What’s the difference between the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis?” .

 This month is not only for acknowledging the past injustices, but the surveillance and livelihood of hundreds of unique cultures and peoples across Turtle Island. 

National Indigenous Peoples Day is observed on June 21st, a date that aligns with the Summer Solstice, which holds deep cultural and spiritual significance for many Indigenous communities. This day celebrates and honors the rich heritage, diverse cultures, longstanding traditions, and invaluable contributions of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Officially proclaimed in 1996 by then Governor General Roméo LeBlanc, the choice of June 21st, the longest day of the year, is symbolic as many Indigenous groups have historically celebrated their culture and heritage around this time through various festivals and ceremonies.

On this day, a wide range of events and celebrations take place across the country, including traditional music and dance performances, art exhibits, educational workshops, storytelling sessions, and community feasts. Powwows, which are social gatherings involving singing, drumming, and dancing, offer an opportunity for Indigenous Peoples to express their cultural pride and for non-Indigenous people to learn and participate. These celebrations provide a platform for Indigenous Peoples to showcase their rich cultural heritage and artistic expressions, educate the wider public about Indigenous history and contemporary issues, and foster reconciliation by encouraging dialogue and understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.

National Indigenous Peoples Day is also a time to reflect on the historical injustices faced by Indigenous communities, such as colonization, residential schools, and ongoing systemic discrimination. Many events include discussions and educational sessions on these topics, aiming to raise awareness and promote social justice. Government institutions, schools, and organizations participate by organizing special activities and providing resources to educate people about the significance of the day. This contributes to the ongoing efforts of reconciliation and helps build a greater appreciation and respect for Indigenous cultures, encouraging all Canadians to come together in the spirit of recognition, education, and unity.



  1. Ktunaxa Nature Walk: ALfred Joseph’s Walkabout – Launch Party
  2. 4 Seasons if Indigenous Learning 2024-2025 Course


NDN Taco Lunch
Where: UBC First Nations Longhouse, Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall, 1985 West Mall
When: Tuesday, June 4 from 11am to 1pm
Come make your own NDN Taco for lunch! Vegetarian options available.

Indigenous Pop Up Arcade
Where: UBC CEDaR Space, Buchanan Tower Room 104A, 1873 East Mall
When: Monday, June 10 from 12pm to 2pm
Stop by CEDaR Space to try out a great selection of Indigenous-made games!

Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre Tour
Where: Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre, 1985 Learners’ Walk
When: Wednesday, June 19 from 1:30pm to 3pm
Take a guided tour of the IRSHDC. Talking circle, cedar brushing, and smudging to follow!

Exploring Indigenous Research Resources at UBC
Where: Xwi7xwa Library & Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall, 1985 West Mall
When: Tuesday, June 25 from 11am to 2pm
Explore Xwi7xwa Library’s collections and various resources, then learn about Indigenous lands via interactive learning activities in the Longhouse!


  1. Vancouver Symphony Orchestra: The Path Forward
  2. The Night Sun: Lunar Cycles and Indigenous Time Keeping
  3. Indigenous Summer Market
  4. Indigenous Artisans Market
  5. National Indigenous History Month Celebration
  6. Indigenous Pride Walk: Celebrating Who We Are
  7. Syiyaya Days in Sechelt
  8. National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration at Grandview Park
  9. Carnegie Community Centre Celebration for National Indigenous Peoples Day Block Party
  10. Interconnected: Exploring Indigenous Perspectives on Earth Matters
  11. Community Food Market Series – Indigenous Resilience

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